Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 07, 1997 at 13:00:25:
In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Lynn on January 07, 1997 at 11:16:30:
: I think, like most political organizations, that the Christian Coalition is more zealous in these persuits than those who passively endorse them.
They are a force to be feared, because they don't respect the beliefs of others who are different than they. Pat Robertson has even said that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights only apply to Christians and that everyone else is ruining them.
:although they are more aggressive than I would like them to be. I think they are trying to prevent the elimination of the Christian point of view from the public forum, but I'm personally against school prayer at this point and I don't think a public school is the proper place to get into Creationism. I certainly don't want someone teaching my child, or anyone elses child, a prayer or anything of a spiritual nature that conflicts with her beliefs.
The only way to have true religious freedom is for the State NOT to show ANY favoritism to any one belief system. If Religions paid their fair share of taxes than it would be perfectly ok for them to be in public schools, but they don't.
I agree with you on the prayer and creationism part, you wouldn't want some to start teaching sex ed. and math during Sunday mass would you? (g)